まわり mawari
- improvisation performance series-
The purpose of this project is to examine the conditions of a performance:
what can be a performance and what cannot.
By performing daily activities and behaviors on a stage, such as sneezing, taking off shoes or making tea, we facilitate the study of the contrast between daily life and art. One factor that enables the situation of sound art (a performance) is the unique relationship between the artist and its audience. The sound (or movements) made by the artist on stage is a work of art and thus an objective for the audience to appreciate. When the sounds and movements are caused by everyday actions and behaviors, the audience is placed in a situation where they may appreciate everyday life as a work of art. For example the act and sound of a sneeze. A sneeze is a reflex of nerves to expel a foreign body from one's body, yet the meaning changes depending on the situation, be it on a stage or not. Why is it sound art because it is performed on a stage? Which conditions set up a stage to its current position? By exploring these questions through various hypotheses and experiments from the perspective of sound art, try to pursue the big question of what art and performing really is.
As an experiment method, I conduct a series of improvisation performances, where I invite artists from different disciplines to improvise together for a certain time frame (X hours), without any breaks or announcement.
It is to demonstrate that all actions, including instinctive behaviors, executed by the artists within the time X are placed in the context of art and become objects for the audience to appreciate.

This project attempts to raise the idea that the audience themselves are actually part of the elements that make up the environment by presenting improvisation. Invoking the audience's realization of themselves in the artwork removes the fixed notions of the role of the artist as giver and the audience as receiver. Whether it is an actual object or a concept, it always appears within its circumstances. The core of this project lies in the transformation of our focus from what is happening in front of us – the sound, the performance on the stage, the artists themselves – to the space in which the performance takes place and the meaning of the space. Why do artists share their art? Since when is an artist an artist and since when is an audience an audience? The emergence of the everyday in the context of art changes the perspective on the act of art appreciation and raises questions about our everyday life.
Mawari translates to “around” in English, refers to the surroundings itself. Improvisation presents the whole surroundings as art, such as time and physical space.
I believe that art is an essential quality of all human beings with any cultural and social background. However, in today's society, art has become something that exists only in museums and concert halls. By showing various art forms together with everyday-life on a stage through the method of improvisation, the audience is encouraged to concentrate on the sound and actual acts, the acts and its facts. A new perspective on human actions and its meaning emerges from this process. It is an emancipation of art, and I hope that it will provide more opportunities for people to connect art with their daily lives.

1st mawari: 5h 30 min / AL Berlin (Bar) 30.11.2022
Andre Jorge Badim (Pandeiro, objects)
Henrique Uba (Electric guitar, amp)
Mizuki Ishikawa (DIY electronics, speaker, microphone, objects)
2nd mawari: 3h / Liebig 12 (Art galerie) 10.01.2023
Cammack Lindsey (Banjo, Laptop, amp)
Henrique Uba (Electric guitar, amp)
Nadi Nicoco (Projector, analog video synth)
Mizuki Ishikawa (DIY electronics, speaker, microphone, objects)
3rd mawari: 3h / Open Tiny e.V. Kiosk (Projectspace) 15.07.2023
Lena Klink (body)
Wan-Qian Lin (ready-made sound, speaker, transducer, microphone)
Yurika Saito (paint, natural-dye performance)
(mawari vol.3 3h performance, documentation by Fly Chang)

at Liebig12 10.01 2023

at OpenTiny 15.07 2023

at Liebig12 10.01 2023